There are many ways to combat climate change since GHG emissions is a byproduct of most of our activities. Does the transportation system or buildings result in more emissions? Is it different for different states? Are the end users the private sector, public sector, or residents? Global GHG emissions can be organized by process, jurisdiction, products and services, industry, type of end user, company, etc. Students and young professionals may be able to benefit from a visualization tool to help them choose between fields and specializations.
Below are examples of ways to visualize GHG emissions using two datasets. View1 groups emissions by the innermost ring. View2 regroups emissions by the second ring.
Play with the buttons! Mouse over to see the amounts of emissions in each category.
Global 2011 Source Data is from
Total GHG Emissions Excluding Land-Use Change and Forestry (MtCO2e)
WRI, CAIT 2.0. 2014. Climate Analysis Indicators Tool: WRI's Climate Data Explorer. Washington, DC: World Resources Institute. Available at:
US 2011 End Use Data is from
Table 2-12: U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions Allocated to Economic Sectors (Tg CO2 Eq. and Percent of Total in 2011)